It’s Tuesday and I already can’t wait for Monday to come. And guess what, they are still married today. That is perseverance and not something most people are willing to do. My parents would eat ice cream on Friday and start over on Monday. They would get into a fight on Thursday but then forgive each other on Monday. Monday was the official start day of the new diet around my house growing up.

Freed had never heard of Naloxone before paramedics used it to revive him after an overdose that nearly killed him. He’s been sober since, but said his lack of education at the time of his drug use spoke to the broader need for these community workshops. At the age of 25, Macklemore’s life was significantly impacted by his addiction, leading him to check himself into a drug rehab center in 2008. However, his journey to sobriety has not been without setbacks, as he admitted to relapsing amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, Schoolboy Q has left his drug-dealing and consuming days behind, focusing more on his music.

Rapper Sirah is leading a movement to better understand mental health in the music community

He belts powerful phrases like “Please release me” and “I choose to live.” These declarations provide hope to anyone listening no matter their current situation. “Gravity” by A Perfect Circle details what it feels like to experience the adverse effects of drug use. Vocalist Maynard James Keenan heartbreakingly sings about being controlled by addiction. In the song “Young Homie,” Chris Rene describes the clarity that he experiences since entering recovery. He sings that he’s managed to “put his fears down” and enjoys the encouragement from those around him as he strives toward staying sober.

When I feel lonely, I can find myself going down the rabbit hole of isolation. You would think that when I feel lonely my instinct would be to reach out to friends, but it is actually the opposite. My instinct is to pull away from people, embrace the loneliness and try to find comfort in it. “She Used to Be Mine” (Waitress) – Although past versions of ourselves may be lost, Waitress’s “She Used to Be Mine” shows that aspects of that self can still be recovered through life’s hardships.

Best Songs About Overcoming Drug Addiction

Finally, it is important to note that our self-worth should never come from social media numbers. Those numbers have nothing to do with happiness or contentment. Our worth comes from being a creation of God. But we are comparing their years of work to our days of work.