A virtual dataroom secure is an online platform where large volumes of confidential documents can be shared with security beyond the walls of a business. It is commonly used for M&A deals due diligence, litigation, bankruptcy, fundraising, audits – any time multiple parties need to review sensitive data.

The best 6dataroom.com virtual data rooms are armed with a range of security features designed to ensure that information remains where it is intended to stay – in the data room. These features include physical security with granular permissions settings, as well as tracking the activity of documents.

Data Center Security: The most secure VDRs employ data centers that are of the highest standard with sufficient physical security measures including offsite data backups and redundancy of data and fire protection as well as biometric access control. They also employ a strong business continuity plan, and go through regular penetration testing.

Document Access Security: The best virtual data rooms have specific document permissions that permit administrators to restrict access to individual documents as well as folders with the option of printing only, viewing only and download options. They also allow users to apply dynamic watermarks to printed and viewed pages and set timeframes to allow access by users.

Privacy Security: A good VDR meets or exceeds ISO 27001 compliance and is HIPAA conformant. It provides end-to-end encryption (E2EE) to stop the unauthorized interception of information by hackers and service providers, and to prevent data from being modified or deleted.

In addition, a top-rated VDR is certified for FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) and SOC 2 (Service Organization Controls), ensuring that it adheres to the most stringent methods of handling to protect PII. This can help prevent the massive fines, legal fees and lost revenue due to data breaches.